The whirling dance, also known as the Sufi or dervish dance, is a mesmerizing and spiritual form of movement that holds deep cultural and symbolic significance. This dance is a unique expression of devotion, meditation, and transcendence.
At its core, the whirling dance is characterized by the graceful and rhythmic spinning of the dancer, often in a circular motion. The dancer wears a distinctive flowing robe or skirt that billows and swirls with each turn, creating a visually captivating spectacle. The spinning is not only a physical activity but also a profound spiritual practice believed to induce a trance-like state, facilitating a connection with the divine.
The whirling dance, although being around for millennia, is made known in the world by the 13th-century poet and mystic Jalaluddin Rumi. Rumi’s poetry and teachings emphasize love, unity, and spiritual awakening, and the whirling dance serves as a metaphor for the cosmic dance of creation.
The music accompanying the whirling dance is an integral part of the experience, traditionally featuring instruments such as the ney (flute), oud (lute), and various percussion instruments but nowadays a broader variation of music is used. The rhythmic beats and melodic tunes guide the dancer’s movements and contribute to the overall ambiance of the performance.
Beyond its religious and spiritual roots, the whirling dance has also gained recognition as a captivating form of artistic expression and a healing approach. Performances are often staged in cultural events, festivals, and theaters around the world, attracting audiences with its hypnotic beauty and the cultural richness it represents.
In essence, the whirling dance transcends the boundaries of mere physical movement; it becomes a symbolic journey of the soul, a way to connect with the divine, and a celebration of the profound unity that exists within the diversity of human experience.
About Safa Solati
Is graduated in Psychology specialized in Music Psychotherapy. Having studied Persian dances for many years, she stepped into whirling dance world 9 years ago and consequently dedicated herself to Sufi/whirling dance ever since.
Safa moved back to Finland in 2020 after having lived in Italy for five years studying dance with different dance instructors. She started having short introductory whirling workshops in Helsinki in 2022. She tends to find her own interpretation of whirling dance and focus on the therapeutic and spiritual aspects of the dance rather than the religious path, for which she is developing her own concept “Life dance through Whirling”.
About Life dance concept
All categories of life are states of consciousness evolving through form toward some higher state of existence. Indeed, evolution is rooted in the spirit’s yearning to actualize the potential inherent within its nature. The life of every human being is truly a dance between one’s innate potential and the actualization of that potential within the crucible of outer living. It is the dance of life itself.
Dancing is an attempt by an individual (or a culture) to recognize and express some aspect of consciousness. The type of dance a person finds attractive can reveal much about his/her inner life, and what consciousness is seeking to express in the outer world. From the esoteric perspective, which is built into the fabric of consciousness will always seek outer expression in some form. The art of dance is an example of this. However, more broadly considered, any aspect of life represents the same thing –a facet of consciousness seeking an expressive outlet.
The whirling world, as vast as it is, has remained unknown to many in the recent human generation, although being one of most ancient forms of human dance expressions and how it deeply affected our consciousness as human beings and transformed every aspect of our existence; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.